
Smarden Acceptable Use Policy Student Accessibility plan 2022 25 Admissions Policy 2023 Admissions Policy Smarden 2024 Admissions Criteria Smarden 2025 2026 Attendance Policy 31 v2.1.2023 Anti Bullying Policy 2023 25 Charging and Remissions Policy 2021 Complaints Policy Smarden Mar 23 2026 Early Years Policy 2023 25 Emergency Evacuation Policy 23 25 Equal Opportunities Policy 2022 25 v2 External visitors policy November 23 25 Fire Evacuation Plan 2023 24 Handwriting Policy 2023 25 Home School Agreement November 2021 Homework Policy Investment Policy Feb 2023 Keeping animals in school Policy 2022 Legionella Policy 2023 25 Lost or Missing Children Policy 2023 Preschool show around forms Preschool Fee structure 2022 Presentation Marking and Feedback Policy 2021 Privacy Notice Parents and Carers v2 TKAT Privacy Notice for Pupils TKAT Privacy Notice for Websites PSHE Policy 2021 Smarden Primary School Behaviour Policy Sept 2022 25 v3 Smarden Bereavement Policy November 2023 Smarden parent school communication policy 2022 Smarden Educational Visits Policy November 2023 Smarden Safeguarding Policy 2023 2024 v6 Smarden School RSE Consultation Supporting Looked After and Previously Looked After Children Policy Nov 23 Teaching Learning Policy TKAT Acceptable Use Policy Staff 2022 24 TKAT Capability Policy Teaching staff TKAT Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School Policy 2023 24 TKAT Code of Conduct staff 2024 TKAT Data Protection Policy 2023 25 TKAT Employee Wellbeing Policy Jan 23 TKAT Fire Safety Policy 2023 25 TKAT First Aid Policy 2023 26 TKAT Flexible Working Policy 2021 TKAT Intimate Care Policy TKAT Lettings Policy Smarden TKAT Recruitment and Selection Policy TKAT Remote Learning Policy 2024 TKAT Risk Management Policy TKAT SEND Policy 2023 TKAT Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs Policy Oct 23 Uniform policy Jan 2023 25 Volunteer Agreement Walking Home Alone Policy 2023 25 Wraparound Care Policy Jan 24 TKAT Whistleblowing Policy 2024 v2 Smarden Health and Safety policy 2021 24